Add My Documents, Logos & Photos

Add My Student Government Documents, Logos & Photos

ASGA's SG Database includes details and data on every Student Government at every college and university in America, including Student Government documents, logos and photos.

You do not have to be an ASGA member to provide this data

Please email us any or all of the following documents, logos and photos:

  1. Your SG documents (constitution, bylaws, budgets, etc.)
  2. Your SG logo
  3. Your college or university's logo
  4. Officer and member photos
  5. Your advisor/advisors photo(s)
  6. Your office staff's photos
  7. Candid SG photos from events
  8. College or university photos of your campus
  9. Your SG office photos

Please e-mail your important documents, logos and photos to You do not have to be an ASGA member to provide these resources and have them included in the SG Database.