SG Documents

Bakersfield College/Bakersfield (BC) - SGA Student Representation Fee

Description:Section 1: Collection


A. The Student Representation Fee is collected by Bakersfield Community College at the time of registration and deposited in a separated fiduciary fund established per the California Community College's Budget and Accounting Manual. Students may opt to waive this fee (form available in admissions and records). The chief fiscal officer of Bakersfield Community College shall have custody of the money collected. The district may retain up to seven percent of the fees collected for administering the fees. See Education Code 76060.5.

Section 2: Purpose

A. The Student Representation Fee shall be expended to provide for the support of governmental affairs representatives who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices and agencies of the state government. See Education Code Section 76060.5.

Section 3: Assigning Representatives

A. The ASBC President shall assign students to represent Bakersfield College for purposes authorized by Education Code Section 76060.5.

B. All assignments/appointments of individuals to use Student Representation Fees will be made by the ASBC President and approved by a majority vote of the ASBC Student Senate.

Section 4: Representative Responsibilities

A. In coordination with the Student Activities Office, students using the Student Representation Fees will:

1. make appointments to visit with officials prior to going on a trip. Normally, the appointment will be confirmed in writing;

2. Submit a written report of the results of their meetings to the ASBC (copy to Student Activities) within 48 hours  after their return. An oral report may also be required by the ASBC President.

Section 5: Accountability

A. Record of trips, visits, etc., by individuals using the Student Representation Fee moneys will be kept by the Supervisor of Student Activities. These will include, at a minimum, letters to officials, expenditures of funds and a copy of the report on the results of meetings/conferences.

Section 6: Travel

A. Travel by individuals using the Student Representation Fee will follow the same guidelines used for all ASBC travel, as outlined in the Bakersfield College Board Policy and Procedures 3C.

Section 7: Travel Expense

A. All expenses for travel, meals, lodging, etc., by individuals using the Student Representation Fee shall be covered by the rates as outlined in Bakersfield College Board Policy and Procedure 3C3A(b).

B. Per Diem shall be provided for all conferences that the ASBC shall be attending.

Information Courtesy of BC SGA Website