Some of these surveys are very subjective. How do we decide on a single right answer?

Q:Some of these surveys are very subjective. How do we decide on a single right answer?

A:It's true that some of the surveys in the "Update My SG Data" section of the ASGA web site ask for subjective answers.

We recommend that your Student Government officers and members and your advisor meet as a group to discuss the surveys and make a group decision on how you will answer them.

Your accurate and candid assessment of your own Student Government's "strengths and weaknesses," for example, will be useful to you as an organization.

ASGA sees the completion of these surveys as a positive exercise for your Student Government in helping you understand your organziation's current status, potential, and goals for the future.

The more detailed, thorough, and candid you are in completing the surveys, the better it will be for your organization in your growth as well as to other ASGA members nationwide who may call on you for advice in the areas where you have reported that you are strong or advanced.