If we don't complete these surveys, will you still list our college?

Q:If we don't complete these surveys, will you still list our college?


Yes. Even if your institution's SG officers or advisors don't complete the ASGA surveys regularly, the ASGA team will update your records at least once a year.

Ideally, we hope you'll complete the surveys, to help us make sure that your information is current and accurate.

But if you don't complete the surveys, for whatever reason, ASGA will gather as much information as possible on your institution and your Student Government through many means:

1. Your web site
2. Your college web site
3. Web search engines and other college-related web sites
4. Calls to your campus and your Student Government
5. Personal meetings/interviews with your officers and advisors
6. Faxes to your SG officers, members and advisors
7. E-mail correspondence with your SG officers, members, and advisors
8. Mailings to your SG officers, members, and advisors
9. Correspondence with your institution's administrators, including your public relations office
10. Information gathered from previous students, past student leaders, and others with a detailed knowledge of your institution

Again, ASGA includes the Student Government at every college or university in America in the SG Database-- and we desire for the information we store on your school to be current and accurate. Our team will do everything possible to insure that the information we have is correct.