The Advisor's Role

The Advisor's Role

ASGA asserts that there are certain fundamental characteristics that define the appropriate and expected role of a competent Student Government advisor, no matter the size and type of the institution or size, budget, or complexity of the governing organization.

1. The advisor should advise only.
By their very name, Advisors should be available for input, feedback, suggestions, and advice. They should not run SG meetings, interrupt without being called upon, or insert their opinions without permission.

2. The Advisor should be compensated.
While ideally Advisors should desire to serve from a philanthropic standpoint, it is desirable that they are compensated financially for their service to Student Governments. The appropriate form of compensation is best left up to the individual institution and Student Government to decide.

3. The Advisor should commit adequate time to serving.
The Advisor should be willing and able to devote the necessary time to serving the Student Government, attending meetings and conventions, participating in retreats and events.

4. The Advisor should serve by choice and not necessarily by mandate.
It is preferable to have an Advisor who have chosen to serve rather than have one who is forced to serve.

5. The Advisor should be knowledgeable and experienced.
It is preferred that the Advisor have at least three to five years of experience in advising Student Governments.

6. The Advisor should network with peers.
The Advisor should engage in continuing education and professional development activities to constantly improve and grow as a student-affairs professional.

7. The Advisor should have no more than one other major job responsibility or duty. While it is understood that most Advisors have other responsibilities, it is advisable that the main SG Advisor have only one other major responsibility in addition to the advising duties.

8. The Advisor should be supported by a co-advisor(s)
when a Student Government becomes so large, complex or contentious that it is advisable to have the advice and involvement of professionals.

9. The Advisor should have clearly defined expectations and responsibilities.
Working in conjunction with the institution's administration and with Student Government leaders, the Advisor should have a fully articulated and written list of expectations and responsibilities.

10. The Advisor should be kept informed.
The Advisor should be included in all major debates and discussions, be alerted in advance of upcoming meetings and events, and should receive regular e-mail, mail, and personal correspondence that will allow him/her to perform the expected duties.

11. The Advisor should be valued and appreciated.
The SG officers and members should through their actions and words make sure that the Advisor is clearly valued and appreciated for the job he/she is performing.

12. The Advisor should operate with honesty and integrity.
It's a given that the Advisor must be ethical and honest, and should expect the same behavior and philosophy from SG officers and members.